A Tale Of Two Thunderbolt Storage Devices: Seagate's GoFlex Desk and Western Digital's Thunderbolt Duo

I remember the early days of the USB-vs-FireWire wars like they were yesterday, although Wikipedia reminds me that they were more than a decade ago (sigh). USB 1.0 arrived...

46 by Brian Dipert on 5/13/2012

Hands-On Powerline Networking: How Well (Or Not) Are Latest-Generation Devices Working?

Call me a Luddite, but I've always found the whole idea of setting up a dedicated wired connection just to get an AC-powered gadget connected to the network to...

53 by Brian Dipert on 9/1/2011

The Sony Ericsson Xperia Play: Where Do You Want To Take Your Gaming Today?

The debate over the potential (or not, depending on your perspective) for cellular handsets to supplant dedicated portable gaming consoles was already at the 'dull roar' stage when Steve...

34 by Brian Dipert on 8/8/2011

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