Final Thoughts

Logitech Harmony sits as the market leader in its category almost by default. Other than a professional systems, the world of universal remote controls is mostly low-end offerings, requiring users to manually enter remote codes, and offering very little customization. Harmony has been bucking this trend for well over ten years now, by offering truly customizable remote controls with the added convenience of one-touch activities. The Logitech Harmony Elite has been out for over a year now, and sits atop the product stack.

Harmony has made great strides in the last several years improving the software side of the house. The new MyHarmony PC software and smartphone app is worlds better than the old software. It is much more intuitive in its operation, especially the PC software which includes nice animated images on-screen to assist with any setup and configuration. The software is still the most cumbersome step, but the end results are easily worth the initial energy spent. Once you have the remote configured the way you like it, it truly becomes a universal remote control, much more so than any of the cheap models that come with a booklet of remote codes.

The remote itself is easily the most well thought out remote every to bear the Harmony name. The shape and materials make it excellent to hold in the hand, with the most used buttons falling easily into reach. The weight balance helps with any sort of fatigue issues, not that a remote is ever something you’d get tired of holding, but it does make it more comfortable to hold. Even the click of the buttons makes it feel like the premium device that it is.

I was at first skeptical about the Harmony Hub, and whether it would offer enough value to be worth the extra cost of the Harmony Elite setup, but once you use it, and see the benefits, it’s clearly a well thought out device. Adding the hub allows the remote to be used without line-of-sight, without the hassle of adding RF to IR adapters on all of your devices. The hub itself is also an IR blaster, and it can control up to two more blasters for remotely located devices. It also gives the Harmony Elite the ability to control devices over the network, which is a preferable, and more reliable, method of communication than IR can ever be, and for the devices like the Roku which support this, it’s a welcome addition.

The Hub also adds in the ability to control smart devices, such as lighting, plugs, thermostats, blinds, and more, as well as allow the system to be controlled by either a smartphone, or even with Amazon’s Alexa. I didn’t go over Alexa in this article, mostly because Alexa isn’t available in Canada so I didn’t have a chance to try it out, but once configured, you can use Alexa to power on your devices just like you would the remote. It’s a smart way to expand the capabilities of the Harmony system.

Logitech really has put all of the pieces together with the Harmony Elite. They’ve combined good software with excellent hardware, which is a feat that is all too often missed in consumer products. It would be pretty easy to say the Harmony Elite is the best remote control around that doesn’t need to be installed by a professional, but if you prefer that, there’s an Elite Pro as well.

The powerful remote control is stymied by less than amazing battery life, but you can still easily get several days of use out of it before it needs to go back in the charging stand. The multi-touch on the display is also a bit of a gimmick, but since you never need to use it, it’s not really a problem you need to deal with.

Really the one major issue with the Harmony Elite is simply the price. At around $300 USD, it’s a pretty steep price to pay for a remote, when every consumer device you buy has its own. The additional functionality of being able to control smart home devices is certainly a benefit, but these have not proliferated into the home like many IoT companies would like.

If you think you might like the Harmony system of activities, but think the Harmony Elite is a bit too much money, Logitech does sell other models, starting at around $35 for the Harmony 350. The capabilities are diminished, but the experience is still similar, with a remote programmed from your computer, and then set up to control devices based on activities. The Harmony 650 adds a color screen, and still comes in at less than $50. If you want to add in the Hub, that starts around $100, and so on. They even offer the Harmony Elite sans hub and smart home control, which is the Harmony 950. There’s a pretty wide range of products here, to fit most budgets. But they all pale compared to the Elite.

The Harmony Elite is a lot more money than even other Harmony models. Is it worth the money? In my experience, yes, it is. The combination of the remote and hub make for a fantastic user experience, especially when tied into the Harmony system of activity based use. The hardware is excellent. It’s expensive, but so are many things that are well made. There are lesser models available, but the Elite is truly a step ahead.

Not so great: Outside control, Multi-touch, and Battery Life
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  • weevilone - Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - link

    I missed the part about whether I found it friendly. I do find it friendly. My family does not, as they can't seem to remember what button press does what so they randomly push stuff and get it confused. I have written a cheat sheet for them and they've now lost that twice.
  • phoenix_rizzen - Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - link

    Tape the cheat sheet to the back of the remote. :)
  • batteries4ever - Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - link

    Exactly... get the Harmony Companion losses the touch screen, but comes at about half the price and with a year or so battery life... easy choice for me.
    Coming from my Harmony One like the Author, I find I don't really miss the touchscreen much.
    Even other people who DO miss it, you might use your phone or iPad app instead, and have more control of the media centre on top of that, or stream Spotify etc... on a really big/sharp/colorful/whatever screen.
  • RBFL - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - link

    You're forgetting the saving in divorce costs when you unveil your tech masterpiece to your wife and the 10 remotes that go along with it.

    We have a Logitech 650 which works really well, does just what you want it to and is pretty much seamless after a 10-20 minute setup.

    Perhaps I am getting old but I am not sure I want everything automated. As the person who has to fix stuff that breaks and doesn't function I don't want to be a house sysadmin. "Dad, my light won't dim, Dad, the temperature's wrong,...

    On the issue of IOT I am waiting for the first YouTube video of someone attacking their fridge with a shotgun when it refuses to give them a beer prior to updating its firmware.
  • batteries4ever - Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - link

    What!!! You don't want to spend weeks setting the thingy up "just so" and debugging and updating the software. Come on.... it could easily save you two or even three seconds or so each time you use it. Please do the math - the time to set it up will easily pay for itself in 150 years or so!
    OK I actually have something like that myself and it is a bit better than the Harmony One (no need to point the remote, battery life), but i totally get you... i am getting old too!
  • Beaver M. - Sunday, February 19, 2017 - link

    I have a 300 for $30, and its more than enough. Never understood how you need anything bigger or with more features. This one does everything you need.
  • Beaver M. - Sunday, February 19, 2017 - link

    I guess some people use one remote for everything in their home, which I find rather stupid. My devices are far away from each other, so I rather have one remote for each room where such devices are, than forgetting to take my one remote with me everywhere and having to look for it in the whole house if I forget where I left it.
    Also touch screens are the most inefficient control you can have on a remote. Had one of them before, which was the cause I bought my 300.
  • Dribble - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - link

    Just buy a second hand Harmony one for a fraction of the price.
  • weevilone - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - link

    Harmony One has really started to show its age, especially from a software perspective. It's mostly due to neglect, but it's now lacking in terms of programing capability.
  • Azethoth - Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - link

    Mmmm no. The new app based setup is a pure joy compared to the old trip to the computer room and constant flaky syncing crap.

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