
The X-Mask is made of 0.8mm steel all throughout except for the front bezel, which is plastic. We felt around the inside of the case for sharp edges and were surprised to find a lot less than we expected. Super Flower has done a great job in folding over the sharp edges that we tend to find when cutting steel.

Some sharp edges do remain, however, where the drive bays reside. The platforms that the drives would sit on are still quite sharp and could possibly lead to cut wires or hands if not carefully minded.

Click to enlarge.

We mentioned earlier of the lack of security features on the X-Mask. It does include a front door key lock to defend against unwanted access to its drive bays from the outside, but will still allow access to the case's internals by way of both side panels. Adding a simple side loop for a padlock would increase security.

We did not see the need for any security features, though, since the main use for the X-Mask is for typical home or gaming use.

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  • wicktron - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link

    that is quite possibly the most horrid case i have ever seen in my life.

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