Motherboard Tray

The X-Mask's motherboard tray is not the removable type that we would like to see in more cases in the market. The greatest advantage of having one that is removable is the ability to install various components without the clutter of wiring and other components attached to the motherboard. For example, when installing or replacing the power supply, the CPU's heatsink fan tends to interfere in smaller cases if it is one of the larger ones. The heatsink fan would need to be removed in order to install the power supply.

Click to enlarge.

There are just enough holes on the board to allow installation of standard ATX type motherboards. Many other cases have support for various types of motherboards. We wondered why the X-Mask was designed to allow only ATX motherboards, since drilling a few more holes would have opened up the market to owners of other types of boards.

To mount a motherboard, we screwed in the provided standoffs, placed the board on top of the standoffs, and using the provided screws, secured the motherboard in place.

Expansion Installation
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  • wicktron - Friday, May 21, 2004 - link

    that is quite possibly the most horrid case i have ever seen in my life.

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