System Performance

Given that we’ve seen excellent raw CPU performance of the Kirin 980, we should also largely see this translated over to actual system performance. System performance is what we call the performance of more realistic every-day workloads, which are most of the time mainly transactional in their nature, in contrast to the more continuous long SPEC tests of the previous pages.

The Mate 20’s come with Android 9/P out of the box, and in terms of mechanisms that promise to improve system performance, Huawei/HiSilicon employ a custom scheduler for the Kirin 980 that is able to properly deal with the three efficiency CPU groups (Perf & efficiency A76’s, and A55s).

Huawei has been locking down things quite tightly over the past year, so I wasn’t able to extract that much information out of the kernel. What I did find out is that it looks like they’re using a scheduler that is based on Google’s ACK (Android Common Kernel) and builds custom modifications on top of that. Among the key features that look to be enabled in the kernel is WALT – which I think if I’m not mistaken would make this the first non-Qualcomm SoC which sports the more responsive load tracking mechanism out of the box.

It’s to be noted that after our recent article addressing less than honest benchmarking behaviour, that Huawei has changed the behaviour of its battery power modes. The new “Performance mode” in the battery settings is off by default, which I found quite a bit odd as a default setting. To be able to get the full performance of the SoC blocks, this setting should be turned on, and we’ll note that all our testing was with the performance mode enabled, something which Huawei also recommended us to do.  

PCMark Work 2.0 - Web Browsing 2.0

Starting off with the PCMark Web Browsing 2.0 test, we see the Mate 20’s take a considerable lead among all Android devices. Here it is evidently clear that this is a considerable generational leap in performance, and more so compared to the previous generation Kirin 970 devices.

PCMark Work 2.0 - Video Editing

The video editing test again has become somewhat non-representative of performance as most flagship devices hover within the same score range without much difference between each other. I’m still now sure why some devices score ever so slightly higher or lower, but the absolute differences are quite minor..

PCMark Work 2.0 - Writing 2.0

The PCMark Writing test is among one of the most representative ones in terms of putting a number on overall device snappiness and speed. Here the Mate 20’s again take the lead, however the delta to the second best devices here isn’t quite as big as in the web browsing test. The OnePlus 6 and Pixel 3 both seem to have an advantage over other devices due to the fact that they’re running Android 9/P along with an up-to-date Qualcomm scheduler.

PCMark Work 2.0 - Photo Editing 2.0

The photo editing test consists of small workload bursts – applying photo filters via RenderScript APIs. Here both performance and again performance responsiveness are key. The Mate 20’s again do very well, however they don’t quite match the performance of some of the best Snapdragon 845 devices, featuring the more up to date Qualcomm schedulers.

PCMark Work 2.0 - Data Manipulation

The Data Manipulation test is heavily influenced by single-threaded performance. Here although they don’t seem to quite match the Pixel 3 in this particular test, the Mate 20’s are still ahead of most other Android phones.

PCMark Work 2.0 - Performance

In the overall PCMark performance test, the Mate 20’s just land ahead of the Pixel 3 and OnePlus 6.

Speedometer 2.0 - OS WebView

In the WebView tests where we first use Speedometer, a JS framework test, we see the Mate 20’s again take a good leap ahead of the second-best Android platforms based on the Snapdragon 845. Against the previous generation Kirin 970 phones, Huawei was again essentially able to double the performance. It’s still not enough to catch up to Apple, but at least we’re on par with the A10, a result that was also largely represented by the SPEC2006 results.

WebXPRT 3 - OS WebView

WebXPRT is a tad less microarchitecturally demanding than Speedometer, and here performance largely seems to scale with simple overall raw CPU execution power. Again we see a similar positioning as in Speedometer, with the Mate 20’s taking the lead among Android devices.

My experience with the devices pretty much matches the system benchmarks – the Mate 20’s are among the fastest devices on the market. Where the Kirin 980’s performance shines is in more complex and heavier workloads, such as loading a webpage or opening content of more heavy apps.

In terms of overall feel and responsiveness, I do feel that the Mate 20’s maybe weren’t quite as fast as the Pixel 3 or OnePlus 6. Here these phones do feel a bit quicker in opening some applications or new activities. It’s possible that Huawei maybe is lacking some OS framework related boosters that these phones might be using. I do plan to try to reintroduce empirical and controlled app loading time testing in the future, so this might be a topic we’ll revisit soon enough.

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  • Lord of the Bored - Saturday, November 17, 2018 - link

    It just looks like a piece of colored glass to me. I'm not convinced there's enough design to copy in the current pocket computer market.
  • wheelman26 - Friday, November 16, 2018 - link

    "Huawei is the only Android manufacturer that is able to take advantage of full vertical integration of silicon and handsets." - There's also Samsung.

    "Huawei’s first phone to push beyond 1080p" - In 2015 the Huawei-Google Nexus 6P had a 1440x250 display.
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Friday, November 16, 2018 - link

    Samsung isn't vertically integrated, S.LSI has to compete with Qualcomm, and the mobile division doesn't seem to care much about what silicon is inside.

    As for the 6P, fair enough and true, but that wasn't by Huawei's decision to feature it.
  • Lolimaster - Friday, November 16, 2018 - link

    Maybe because Huawei are only using in-house SOC vs Samsung with their fail Exynos line.
  • s.yu - Friday, November 16, 2018 - link

    lol, Samsung should just license Andrei's scheduler already ;D
  • Quantumz0d - Friday, November 16, 2018 - link

    "Imitation is the best form of flattery" well I still have to read up on the Kirin but this one. It really is bad statement from AT. Its like one doesn't care about how the uniqueness of anything matters its a shame tbh, free pass just like Pixels.

    Great times we live nowadays. Phones costing over $1000 planned obsolescence and lack of ownership (BL unlock) and lack of usefulness is best.
  • Speedfriend - Friday, November 16, 2018 - link

    Am I reading it correctly that the A12 hits 5W+ at times versus the Kirin at 1.5-3.0 range. Does that mean that Apple is having to dissipate more heat. And in many benchmarks, the A12 has higher W than the A11 despite a move to 7nm, is this a trade off Apple is deciding to make in order to drive performance?
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Friday, November 16, 2018 - link

    Correct, yes, and yes.

    As long as the performance increase is bigger than the power increase, efficiency will still go up. Thermals in this case is just a secondary metric.
  • iwod - Friday, November 16, 2018 - link

    This is bad because A12 is using more power, and I cant imagine I can get any performance improvement next year. I guess there is only so much could be done?
  • Lew Zealand - Friday, November 16, 2018 - link

    The A12 is using less power. It uses more instantaneous power but uses that higher power for a much shorter time to get the work done, so it uses less power overall for the same task and therefore the phone needs to dissipate less heat overall.

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