
For the decode stage, the main uptick here is the micro-op cache. By doubling in size from 2K entry to 4K entry, it will hold more decoded operations than before, which means it should experience a lot of reuse. In order to facilitate that use, AMD has increased the dispatch rate from the micro-op cache into the buffers up to 8 fused instructions. Assuming that AMD can bypass its decoders often, this should be a very efficient block of silicon.

What makes the 4K entry more impressive is when we compare it to the competition. In Intel’s Skylake family, the micro-op cache in those cores are only 1.5K entry. Intel increased the size by 50% for Ice Lake to 2.25K, but that core is coming to mobile platforms later this year and perhaps to servers next year. By comparison AMD’s Zen 2 core will cover the gamut from consumer to enterprise. Also at this time we can compare it to Arm’s A77 CPU micro-op cache, which is 1.5K entry, however that cache is Arm’s first micro-op cache design for a core.

The decoders in Zen 2 stay the same, we still have access to four complex decoders (compared to Intel’s 1 complex + 4 simple decoders), and decoded instructions are cached into the micro-op cache as well as dispatched into the micro-op queue.

AMD has also stated that it has improved its micro-op fusion algorithm, although did not go into detail as to how this affects performance. Current micro-op fusion conversion is already pretty good, so it would be interesting to see what AMD have done here. Compared to Zen and Zen+, based on the support for AVX2, it does mean that the decoder doesn’t need to crack an AVX2 instruction into two micro-ops: AVX2 is now a single micro-op through the pipeline.

Going beyond the decoders, the micro-op queue and dispatch can feed six micro-ops per cycle into the schedulers. This is slightly imbalanced however, as AMD has independent integer and floating point schedulers: the integer scheduler can accept six micro-ops per cycle, whereas the floating point scheduler can only accept four. The dispatch can simultaneously send micro-ops to both at the same time however.

Fetch/Prefetch Floating Point
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  • nandnandnand - Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - link

    Shouldn't we be looking at highest transistors per square millimeter plotted over time? The Wikipedia article helpfully includes die area for most of the processors, but the graph near the top just plots number of transistors without regard to die size. If Intel's Xe hype is accurate, they will be putting out massive GPUs (1600 mm^2?) made of multiple connected dies, and AMD already does something similar with CPU chiplets.

    I know that the original Moore's law did not take into account die size, multi chip modules, etc. but to ignore that seems cheaty now. Regardless, performance is what really matters. Hopefully we see tight integration of CPU and L4 DRAM cache boosting performance within the next 2-3 years.
  • Wilco1 - Wednesday, June 12, 2019 - link

    Moore's law is about transistors on a single integrated chip. But yes density matters too, especially actual density achieved in real chips (rather than marketing slides). TSMC 7nm does 80-90 million transistors/mm^2 for A12X, Kirin 980, Snapdragon 8cx. Intel is still stuck at ~16 million transistors/mm^2.
  • FunBunny2 - Wednesday, June 12, 2019 - link

    enough about Moore, unless you can get it right. Moore said nothing about transistors. He said that compute capability was doubling about every second year. This is what he actually wrote:

    "The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year. Certainly over the short term this rate can be expected to continue, if not to increase. Over the longer term, the rate of increase is a bit more uncertain, although there is no reason to believe it will not remain nearly constant for at least 10 years. "

    [the wiki]

    the main reason the Law has slowed is just physics: Xnm is little more (teehee) than propaganda for some years, at least since the end of agreed dimensions of what a 'transistor' was. couple that with the coalescing of the maths around 'the best' compute algorithms; complexity has run into the limiting factor of the maths. you can see it in these comments: gimme more ST, I don't care about cores. and so on. Mother Nature's Laws are fixed and immutable; we just don't know all of them at any given moment, but we're getting closer. in the old days, we had the saying 'doing the easy 80%'. we're well into the tough 20%.
  • extide - Monday, June 17, 2019 - link

    "The complexity for minimum component costs..."

    He was directly referring to transistor count with the word "complexity" in your quote -- so yes he was literally talking about transistor count.
  • crazy_crank - Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - link

    Actually the number of cores doesn't matter AFAIK, as Moores Law originally only was about transistor density, so all you need to compare is transistors per square millimeter. Looked at it like this, it actually doesn't even look that bad
  • chada - Wednesday, June 12, 2019 - link

    Moore's law specifically talks about density doubling. If they can fit 6 cores into the same footprint, you can absolutely consider 6 cores for a density comparison. That being said, we have been off this pace for a while.
  • III-V - Wednesday, June 12, 2019 - link

    >Moore's law specifically talks about density doubling.

    No it doesn't.

    Jesus Christ, why is Moore's Law so fucking hard for people to understand?
  • LordSojar - Thursday, June 13, 2019 - link

    Why it ever became known as a "law" is totally beyond me. More like Moore's Theory (and that's pushing it, as he made a LOT of suppositions about things he couldn't possibly predict, not being an expert in those areas. ie material sciences, quantum mechanics, etc)
  • sing_electric - Friday, June 14, 2019 - link

    This. He wasn't describing something fundamental about the way nature works - he was looking at technological advancements in one field over a short time frame. I guess 'Moore's Observation" just didn't sound as good.

    And the reason why no one seems to get it right is that Moore wrote and said several different things about it over the years - he'd OBSERVED that the number of transistors you could get on an IC was increasing at a certain rate, and from there, that this lead to performance increases, so both the density AND performance arguments have some amount of accuracy behind them.

    And almost no one points out that it's ultimately just a function of geometry: As process decreases linearly (say, 10 units to 7 units) , you get a geometric increase in the # of transistors because you get to multiply that by two dimensions. Other benefits - like decreased power use per transistor, etc. - ultimately flow largely from that as well (or they did, before we had to start using more and more exotic materials to get shrinks to work.)
  • FunBunny2 - Thursday, June 13, 2019 - link

    "Jesus Christ, why is Moore's Law so fucking hard for people to understand?"

    because, in this era of truthiness, simplistic is more fun than reality. Moore made his observation in 1965, at which time IC fabrication had not even reached LSI levels. IOW, the era when node size was dropping like a stone and frequency was rising like a Saturn rocket; performance increases with each new iteration of a device were obvious to even the most casual observer. just like prices in the housing market before the Great Recession, the simpleminded still think that both vectors will continue forevvvvaaahhh.

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