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  • Spunjji - Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - link

    Underclocking / undervolting experiments have shown that GCN is actually quite competitive in terms of power/perf, *for a given level of performance*. Unfortunately for AMD, Nvidia have been consistently able to hit a higher absolute level of performance, forcing AMD to hot-clock their cards just to keep up.

    That is absolutely down to Nvidia hitting it out of the park with Maxwell - they nailed architectural efficiency in a way that has clearly taken AMD some time to catch up on, and they managed it with an architecture that scales up extremely well.
  • Meteor2 - Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - link

    Define tangible. We’re seeing the same slow-down in performance increases that we’ve seen with CPUs.

    Pascal and Maxwell in particular were amazing; the GPU equivalent of Core or the Bridge series x86 cores. AMD has caught up on the CPU side, but not so much on the GPU.

    4K 60+ FPS on max AAA settings is extremely hard to do. Nvidia have got there, just, but at what a price. AMD can’t build such a GPU; there’s not enough thermal capacity in a PC case for the amount of power such a Navi GPU would need.
  • eastcoast_pete - Monday, June 10, 2019 - link

    Thanks Ryan! Are the 64 ROPs confirmed?
  • xrror - Monday, June 10, 2019 - link

    2nd this - 64 ROPs is something to get excited about.
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, June 10, 2019 - link

    Yes. It is confirmed.
  • BenSkywalker - Monday, June 10, 2019 - link

    Even if we take AMD slides as the gospel truth, 10% better performance than the 2060 for 8.6% more money but with no RTX hardware at all? These parts seem quite a bit overpriced, and that's if the rumors around the 'super' offerings from nVidia are wrong. If they are correct, or even half as good as the claims, these parts will lose in every metric. And that's assuming this isn't another 'overclocks like a dream' or 'poor Volta' moment.
  • Fallen Kell - Monday, June 10, 2019 - link

    Well, 3 years late to the party, sporting the new shiny coat of paint on last years performance... I just don't get it. AMD had every advantage for this card with a significant manufacturing process advantage over Nvidia, and yet, still can't beat what Nvidia had out ~3 years ago (1080ti). I can only believe that they have stopped trying. They most definitely didn't try the last 3 generations of cards. I mean, they didn't even make an attempt at a card that could perform in games as well as Nvidia's high end cards. It was sure good that AMD's cards could at least perform well for compute work, otherwise I have not idea how they have staying in the graphics card business the last 6 years.

    Look, I get it, the real sales are in the mid-range products for stand-alone cards, and in the low end products on the integrated side. But the thing that drives those sales are the high end. The consumers read, see, hear, all about how Nvidia is the fastest, highest performance, "best" card all over the place in the benchmarks, and all of a sudden Nvidia is equated with better products. Soon customers are buying that laptop or desktop because it has the Nvidia card in it, and there goes the sales on integrated and and low end systems from the big manufacturers. I doesn't matter that AMD might compete at price/performance, the brand itself is seen as second class because they havn't been able to compete with Nvidia on the high end in a decade or more now... I was REALLY hoping that this card/generation was going to be something different. 7nm vs 14nm should have been able to blow away Nvidia's performance, yet it can barely match Nvidia's 3rd or 4th fastest cards...
  • SaberKOG91 - Monday, June 10, 2019 - link

    These are mid-range parts. Wait for Navi 20 with the full 64CU and 4096 shaders. Should fall between the 2080 and the 2080 Ti if I had to guess. Unless it is on 7nm+ which might net it some even better performance.

    AMD had every advantage...until they fell 6 months behind schedule due to a retape in October. We were supposed to have had Navi 10 in January and be getting Navi 20 now. Instead they are playing catch-up and licking their wounds. Stuff happens. Nvidia aren't really trying to get much faster, so AMD still have time to catch up. Closing the gap is a huge first step.
  • Phynaz - Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - link

    You’re saying AMD has moved mid range to $500. And you’re happy about that.
  • SaberKOG91 - Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - link

    Nvidia moved it there. AMD are just not going to give up the margins this time around. I'm not happy about any of this. But clearly you are incapable of doing anything other than seeing someone who disagrees with you as a fanboy. Which is ironic because all of your petty little comments make you worse than any fanboy I have ever encountered.

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