
Now, the one true new feature that webOS 2.0 adds is Exhibition. Its purpose is quite simple really; make the standby screen more useful when the device is not being used directly. With the exception of some implementations (previous iterations of webOS not included), manufacturers simply threw in a clock of some sort and called it a day. You needed to actually “use” the phone to get it back to a useful state.

With Exhibition, as the device charges it can be made to display useful, consumable information. By default, you can choose between an agenda view, a photo slideshow, and you guessed it, a clock. The agenda view itself is a snapshot of your to-do list for the day, with the calendar, date, time, and weather forecast displayed along with it. Contents displayed depend on the phone orientation.

Exhibition will let developers make use of the otherwise passive standby screen

While useful, it doesn’t sound terribly innovative in itself until you factor in the fact that Exhibition functionality is exposed to third party developers. So now, the user can choose to have some other useful application show you relevant information as the phone sits on your desk charging. The only pre-requisite here is that you need to use the induction-based Touchstone charger for Exhibition to work. I can’t logically see why the functionality is not there when charging directly via a wall adapter apart from HP wanting to sell you the additional charger.

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  • alxxx - Sunday, February 6, 2011 - link

    So is HP eating its own dog food and making its staff use Pre2's
    or is it still only half heartedly supporting web os ?

    Pre 2 isn't available on any of the 3 major carriers here in Australia
  • Targon - Sunday, February 6, 2011 - link

    HP is not releasing ANYTHING until Feb 9th, so the lack of new devices that you have heard about may be due to keeping things quiet.
  • kmmatney - Sunday, February 6, 2011 - link

    I'll always have fond memories of the original Pre. My company is on ATT, and when I was told get my first smartphone, I was specifically told to go to the ATT store and get a crappy $79 Palm "smart " phone. I asked if I could get an iPhone, and they said no - too expensive. So I went to the ATT store, and luckily enough the Pre had just come out on Sprint, and ATT was no longer allowed to sell any Palm smartphones. Woohoo! This allowed me to buy an iPhone instead, and after showing my company that it was only $20 more, it was then an approved phone, allowing all my co-workers to go out and get iPhones. This was back in 2009, so the only smartphones worth getting on ATT were iPhones or Blackberries.
  • commet67 - Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - link

    In another era the market would have been iOS and Pre to worthy competitors. The core issue is that Google bought stole and copied a bunch of technologies and gave them away for free with Android. This is called dumping in any other industry - except in this case it wasn't hardware but software. It basically puts all the legitimate Software OS companies out of business - the little guys first - (this is a major part of the US economy and spells doom for other OS developers). If Microsoft didn't have windows and office to fund their mobile division they would be out of business to from Goggle's illegal and unethical ("don't be evil" my a$$!) behavior.

    Where are the feds to stop Google from killing off our tech industry - it will be Google's free OS (NO Software revenues from the rest of the world to USA - just great for the monster trade deficit) and a bunch of Korean and Taiwanese and future Chinese Hardware makers (again no Hardware revenue to the USA).

    Google is killing our future economy and a key growth industry we created. Where is the outrage! - where are the Feds?!

    HP is probably too far behind to resuscitate Palm to any substantial market share after Google's illegal between rounds knockout punch - but at least web OS may live to see another day.

    (P.S. I ban Android and use iOS)
  • silentim - Saturday, February 19, 2011 - link

    What HP need is its own hardware store. Dont fully trust ISP to market their phone, instead open their own showroom and store and let people try with the hardware. And also more presence in non US market, I mean lot of smart developers does not have access to Nexus S just because they don't live in US. Don't underestimate Asian market, e.g China, Japan, Korea, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. The developers there are desperate to get early access of hardware, while the society just love to buy anything new.

    And integration with HP laptop, e.g. rather than preinstall the HP laptop with bloatware, why not preinstall it with WebOS SDK? (like Apple always distribute XCode in its software DVD).

    I think with only knowledge of javascript, HTML, and CSS to build an app, it should have more developer potential.
  • Elijahdug - Monday, September 14, 2020 - link

    https://bit.ly/2FyoGOs - 100-% МЕТОД РАЗВЕСТИ ДЕВУШКУ НА СЕКС

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