Crysis: Warhead

Up next is our legacy title for 2013, Crysis: Warhead. The stand-alone expansion to 2007’s Crysis, at over 4 years old Crysis: Warhead can still beat most systems down. Crysis was intended to be future-looking as far as performance and visual quality goes, and it has clearly achieved that. We’ve only finally reached the point where single-GPU cards have come out that can hit 60fps at 1920 with 4xAA.

Crysis: Warhead - 5760x1200 - Enthusiast Quality

Crysis: Warhead - 2560x1440 - Enthusiast Quality + 4x MSAA

Crysis: Warhead - 1920x1080 - Ultra Quality + 4x SSAA

Radeon setups have done particularly well at Crysis: Warhead since GCN, and 7990 continues the trend. It’s not fast enough to hit 60fps at 5760, but at 2560 with 4x MSAA it can break 70fps when the GTX 690 can only crack 60fps. Alternatively at 1920 with SSAA it’s just short of hitting 60fps. Silky-smooth jaggie-free Crysis running off of one card? It’s right around the corner.

Meanwhile this is another game where the 7990 trails the 7970GE CF noticeably, once again highlighting the performance/power tradeoffs made.

Crysis: Warhead - Min. Frame Rate - 5760x1200 - Enthusiast Quality

Crysis: Warhead - Min. Frame Rate - 2560x1440 - Enthusiast Quality + 4x MSAA

Crysis: Warhead - Min. Frame Rate - 1920x1080 - Ultra Quality + 4x SSAA

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  • AbdullA - Thursday, May 16, 2013 - link

    of course Nvidia :)

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