Far Cry 3

The next game in our benchmark suite is Far Cry 3, Ubisoft’s island-jungle action game. A lot like our other jungle game Crysis, Far Cry 3 can be quite tough on GPUs, especially with MSAA and improved alpha-to-coverage checking thrown into the mix. On the other hand it’s still a bit of a pig on the CPU side, and seemingly inexplicably we’ve found that it doesn’t play well with HyperThreading on our testbed, making this the only game we’ve ever had to disable HT for to maximize our framerates.

Far Cry 3 - 5760x1200 - Ultra Quality

Far Cry 3 - 2560x1440 - Ultra Quality

Far Cry 3 - 1920x1080 - Ultra Quality + 4x MSAA + Enh. AtoC

With Far Cry 3 we see the first real loss for AMD, with the 7990 coming up short against the GTX 690 through every resolution. At 5760 this is about 5%, while at 2560 it’s about 10%. Regardless, the 7990 is still fast enough to shoot well past 60fps at 2560, while 43.5fps at 5760 is going to feel especially poky given Far Cry 3’s annoying input lag in multiple-GPU setups.

Crysis: Warhead Battlefield 3
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  • AbdullA - Thursday, May 16, 2013 - link

    of course Nvidia :)

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