Although Google started its official rollout of Android 4.4 KitKat over the air updates to Nexus devices a few days ago, it always takes days or weeks before the updates hit most phones. For those of us who are impatient and don't care about wiping a device to get the latest version, there's another source, the factory images for Nexus devices page, home to stock images built for respective devices. Just a short while ago, Google updated the factory images page with links to KitKat images for the Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2012 and 2013, WiFi and Cellular), and Nexus 10. 

Those three devices run build KRT16O, just slightly newer than the KRT16M running on the newly-released Nexus 5. One thing to note is that as expected, the Google Experience Launcher remains exclusive to the Nexus 5, so don't be disappointed when you load up a fresh version of KitKat on your other devices.

Nexus 4 running KitKat

If you absolutely need KitKat right away and don't mind that you'll be wiping your device back to a clean slate, this is the easy way to get it. 

Source: Google

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  • Eddytion - Friday, November 15, 2013 - link

    Nexus 4 is more than capable running those skins and launchers. S4 pro is still used by many great smartphones (xperia z) hell, even Nexus 7 has the S Pro in 1080p.
  • TT96 - Friday, November 15, 2013 - link

    Why "even Apple", when they've _always_ been far better than Android at supporting older devices?
  • Eddytion - Friday, November 15, 2013 - link

    Being the money hungry company, they support their stuff, but Google this time around is focusing the best features on Nexus 5 only.
  • anandreader106 - Thursday, November 14, 2013 - link

    Hey Brian,

    Not to be THAT guy but I'd really like to know what happened to the Nexus 5 review. I recall listening to a podcasts with you and Anand (which I love by the way) describing the rush to get reviews out after NDA is lifted. However it's been a few weeks now and still no review in sight.
  • Crono - Thursday, November 14, 2013 - link

    It has been 2 weeks. I heard Brian Klug say on the All About Android podcast that he's working on it. You have to be patient with the writing staff, since they have far fewer people than some of the other big websites and take their time to write truly in-depth reviews. If you want a one page piece on a phone there are other sites you can go to, otherwise I consider the AT reviews worth waiting a few weeks for.
  • mrseanpaul81 - Thursday, November 14, 2013 - link

    I want to be patient but I also recall the idevice review being out pretty quick (or maybe I have selective memory)
  • HisDivineOrder - Monday, November 18, 2013 - link

    Anand did that one. He worships at the altar of Apple and the very second something Apple shows up, the man who once used to do incredible PC hardware reviews comes out of his cave, grunts, and makes a mad dash for the latest lowercase i.

    If it's Android or PC or anything not Apple, he waves dismissively at it and returns to the cave to await the next Coming of Apple Delights.

    Certainly, this makes for unbiased, objective reviews, right?
  • aryonoco - Thursday, November 14, 2013 - link

    No one at AT got a review unit before they went on sale. There was no NDA to talk about anyway.

    Brian takes his time to write good reviews. Good for him. It's been two weeks, I'm sure it will be out in the next week or two, what's the rush?
  • anactoraaron - Thursday, November 14, 2013 - link

    I just assumed that they were waiting for the rumored camera update before releasing the review - since the stock camera stinks. Its like it goes from AF to face detect and back and forth constantly and its hard to get a good focal lock sometimes.
  • LostPassword - Thursday, November 14, 2013 - link

    meh, paid over $100 extra for lte nexus7 2nd gen, still haven't got it. you'd think they'd update for the people who paid more first.

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