Apple just launched the webpage for developers a few short hours ago. The service is very similar to the now (or shortly to be) decommissioned MobileMe, with web apps for Mail, Calendar and Contacts. Additionally, there’s also a version of iWork for iCloud that lets users access their iWork documents stored on iCloud via the new website. The interface is quite reminiscent of iOS and fits well with Apple’s strategy of maintaining a consistent user interface across their devices and operating systems.

Today’s update also unveiled pricing for extra storage on iCloud in addition to the 5GB already available to all users. Apple is currently offering 10GB, 20GB or 50GB of additional storage for a yearly charge of $20, $40 and $100 respectively. Those of you running iOS 5 Beta should be able to see the new plans via the "Buy More Storage" option under iCloud settings. 

What’s interesting is that Apple is offering a 15-day refund period for upgrades or a 45-day refund period for yearly subscriptions to all users. As some of you might recollect, quite recently, Apple was forced to comply with local Taiwanese consumer protection laws by allowing a 7-day refund period on app purchases on the Taiwanese App Store. While its unclear whether this policy is a way to avoid further confrontation with local jurisdictions, it is definitely something that end users will appreciate.

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  • gevorg - Monday, August 1, 2011 - link

    Why is there a news/post/review/blog every time Apple farts?
  • ltcommanderdata - Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - link

    Apple is the world's largest tech company, just became the biggest smartphone manufacturer, has the second largest smartphone platform, currently has a large lead in the tablet market, while still has a small computer marketshare is the fastest growing computer manufacturer, etc. So when they release a new free+paid cloud platform for all iOS, Mac, and iTunes Windows users and brings significant new features to thousands of developers who make their livelihoods on the app store, I think quite a few people will be interested.

    Besides, the pipeline section currently includes 7 articles, 1 about Apple, 1 Samsung/Sony, 1 AT&T, 1 Google, 1 AMD, 1 Logitech, and 1 AT&T/Android so I think the news focus is sufficiently spread around.
  • SilthDraeth - Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - link

    Can't tell if the above is sarcasm, serious, or someone just being a troll.

    I throw into question "the worlds largest tech company"
  • Spivonious - Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - link

    Yeah, they have the biggest cash reserves, but that's their only "biggest".
  • ltcommanderdata - Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - link

    There are no doubt many measures of company size/value, but I was just referring to market cap where Apple is second only to Exxon Mobile in publicly traded companies in the world. Microsoft's market cap is currently $225.98B, Google's is $195.99B, and Apple's is $367.82B.
  • WeaselITB - Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - link

    Or the fact that Apply has posted more revenue and more profit than Microsoft in the past two FY quarters?

    Ending March, 2011:

    Ending June, 2011:

    In addition to the market cap listed by ltcommanderdata ...
  • ltcommanderdata - Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - link

    Hmm, I'll have to acknowledge there seems to be a flood of Apple content in the Pipeline section since last night. Information about OS X Server probably isn't of interest to the wider audience.
  • tayb - Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - link

    Why is there always some idiot who has to post and whine about Apple content? They released a beta of their new service which millions of people will use. Not hard to wonder why Anandtech took the time to write up about it.

    If you can't stand reading about Apple stop clicking on the links. There is plenty of other content available to read for your troubled eyes.
  • tpolevoy - Monday, October 17, 2011 - link

    I spent 75 minutes with two apple support people to ask them how to get my money back for payment for 20 GB of iCloud storage. They didn't know what I was talking about. The second one told me to go to the Apple Store at the Conestoga Mall near my house. I showed up no time, but had to wait 15 minutes. I told John my problem and he didn't know the answer, so he disappeared to the back of the store, not to be seen for an additional 20 minutes. Nobody can help me solve the problem. I am really pissed off. This should have been an easy thing to do. I am going to file a complaint with my credit card company and ask for a refund from them. My time is too valuable to be waiting for over TWO HOURS to get no answer.

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