Work on CyanogenMod 9 continues: yesterday saw the release of an experimental development build for the Samsung Galaxy Note, the first port of the new Ice Cream Sandwich-based OS to support the device. Samsung's official Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade for the Note is scheduled to be released before the end of the first quarter of 2012.

The new port is labeled "experimental" for good reason - while wi-fi, cellular data, audio, the touchscreen, and the GPS and sensors should be working properly, Bluetooth, battery usage, MTP mode, and the camera aren't. The team says that the camera won't work until it gets access to one of Samsung's official Android 4.0 builds for the Note, while the build's current graphics drivers are Gingerbread-based and can cause some rendering problems. As with any in-development software, you should hesitate to put this on any phone you rely on in your day-to-day wheelings and dealings.

While CM9 builds to this point have mostly targeted Samsung phones, as development continues we should see builds made available for most CM7-compatible devices beginning with the most recent hardware and working backward (excluding the original Motorola Droid). The download page for the Note port confirms that the CyanogenMod team is still targeting a January or February date for a final release, though we probably won't see all older devices supported until a few months after that.

Source: XDA

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  • retrospooty - Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - link

    Using CM9 on droid 3... Still an "alpha build" but surprisingly stable.

    Anyhow, even at this early stage its easy to see that Android 4 totally rocks!. cant wait until they get the camera working so I can use facial unlock.
  • Arnulf - Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - link

    So your phone will unlock to a photo of you ?
  • zinfamous - Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - link

    it's supposed to unlock to your face--a face scan, basically.

    it hilariously didn't work at the ICS release party. Probably low/weird light conditions
  • Chaser - Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - link

    This insatiable need to have unknown outsiders inside your phone just so someone can have something different or worse: "experimental", really is what this is about. What have I learned with Froyo, Gingerbread and others? I can wait. I'd rather have a fully functional phone than waiting for the latest hack to make the camera, GPS, sensors,
  • retrospooty - Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - link

    "This insatiable need to have unknown outsiders inside your phone"

    Thats not quite whats up... The deal is carriers (all of them) put crappy apps o the phones and lock them down so you cant remove them. They run in the background and casue slowness. On top of all that, most of them suck and do nothing for you. OEM's do this on PC's as well, but they arent locked, so its easy enough to remove all of these items. On phones, that isnt the case.

    The cure - custom ROM's like Cyanogenmod. Its like putting a fresh install of windows rather than using your bloated Dell/HP/Lenovo image). Its not a "hack" to get the phone working, its in alpha stage (at least on the Droid 3 it is). Once they get the camera working it will go to beta, then release.

    Agreed though, considering you totally dont get why people do it, then you shouldnt do it. You should keep your cell company approved ROM.

  • JYEAH_R - Friday, January 6, 2012 - link

    really? have you really indulged yourself in 'rooting and ROMs? because it's hard to believe somebody will think it as 'letting outsiders inside your phone' if you really know what's it all about. and if ever you succumbed to this 'insatiable need' anyway, just remember what you just said. I hope you don't choke.

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